Invisalign/ Orthodontics in Miami, FL

Invisalign/ Orthodontics in Miami, FL

Orthodontics in Miami, FL, involves the use of devices called braces or aligners to move teeth into their optimal position inside the mouth. These devices are placed onto the teeth and aligned into the proper place over the course of months to years, slowly correcting the alignment of your teeth and bite for a healthier and more beautiful smile. There are many different types of orthodontic appliances that correct alignment in different ways and on varying timelines; our dentist in Miami, FL, can help you decide which is right for you.

The Best Orthodontic Treatment Choice: Invisalign in Miami, FL

Years ago, metal braces were the only option to straighten teeth and improve your smile. While traditional braces are still an effective form of orthodontics in Miami, FL, Invisalign offers so many benefits over conventional braces that patients should consider this alternative for their orthodontic treatment plans.

Invisalign is an orthodontic system that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth gradually. These aligners are removable, which means patients can take them in and out to eat or to brush and floss their teeth. Invisalign in Miami, FL, can help fix mild to severe orthodontic issues. These aligners are worn over the teeth for no more than 22 hours per day and are taken off while eating and brushing your teeth. Each aligner shifts the teeth slightly until the desired results are achieved. After your treatment is complete, you will begin wearing retainers to hold your teeth in their new, proper alignment.

Caring for Invisalign in Miami, FL, is easy; simply remove them before eating and drinking and clean them before you put them back in. Our dentist in Miami, FL, will show you how to properly care for your aligners to ensure they are working effectively throughout your entire procedure.

Contact our office today to learn more about Invisalign in Miami, FL/ Orthodontics in Miami, FL, or schedule your initial consultation with our dentist.